How to Order?
Skater Obfuscator is fully integrated with Visual Studio 2022, .NET Framework 4.8, and .NET 7

Skater .NET obfuscator is available in several editions presented in the table below:

Light Edition .NET Linker Private Keys Depot .NET Licenser Plus Standard Edition Professional Edition Ultimate Edition
Solo Developer license
Team license
Private Keys Depot. Cloud data encryption to secure data keys 3 Demo Keys 3 Demo Keys 20 Keys
1000 Keys
3 Demo Keys 3 Keys
500 Keys
20 Keys
1000 Keys
100 Keys
1000 Keys
.NET assembly browser and decompiler/disassembling interface
Private member names obfuscation with alpha-numeric chars only

Private member names obfuscation with unreadable/non-recompilable chars

Public member names obfuscation

String values encryption

String values encryption with cryptography

Control Flow methods obfuscation

.NET assemblies linking

.NET licensing features: .NET Licenser Interface

.NET licensing features: .NET Licenser API assembly

Code Extension

XAML protection in WPF application

.NET Cryptor utility

Command-line interface

6 months tech support and version upgrade
Solo Developer license
Team license

The Standard Edition is an economical solution for .NET developers who need to utilize the .NET code protection that will prevent .NET assembly source code recompilation without changing its functionality and will hide the main points of your .NET code. With the Standard Edition, developers can do:
Names mangling
Strings encryption

In addition to options presented in Standard Edition by using the Professional Edition you will be able to implement Strings cryptography, Control Flow obfuscation, and .NET assembly linking.

Skater .NET obfuscator Ultimate Edition is a complete solution for developers who want to use the full gamma of obfuscator's features. In addition to options presented in Standard Edition and Professional Edition by using the Ultimate Edition you will be able to implement Code Extension, and .NET application licensing.

Also if you would like to Upgrade your current Skater license please contact us and we will point you to a right direction.


Q1 Is the license for lifetime? If not, what is the price we need to pay for the renewal of the license?

Answer Yes. This is a perpetual license.

Q2 How can I get technical support after 6 months of my purchase date? Any charges applied to the support given?

Answer We will still answer for free to your few light tech questions after 6 months. For major updates Rustemsoft LLC will ask you to order Skater version upgrade. It costs 30% of the current software license price.

Q3 What version would be if I purchase the product now? Is it version 23.0?

Answer Yes. The current Skater version number is 23.6. The latest release number is (June 9th, 2023)
Version 23.1: Private Keys Depot. Cloud data encryption to secure data keys.
A modern key management system that provides cloud data encryption approaches to secure your data keys.
It protects .NET 7 assemblies.
Version 9.9: Skater.Cloud.Vault strings protection added.
Strings can be stored in protected virtual Cloud Vault.
Version 9.8: It protects .NET 6 assemblies.
Skater Watermark feature added.
Version 9.4: It protects .NET 5 assemblies.
Starting ver9.0 Skater .NET Obfuscator is the powerful tool to protect .NET Core 3.0 projects
.NET Core 3.0 SDK includes support for Windows Forms desktop projects. Skater protects such applications now.
Starting ver8.9 Skater updated with new 2.1.05 version of Licenser API.
It refined with latest .NET Framework and .NET Core. .NET Licenser Web server has been remodeled with Rustemsoft cloud licensing webservice. With .NET Licenser API you just order the protection library (.NET dll) and the .NET Licenser Web server comes free.
Starting ver8.8 it prevents DEOBFUSCATION Symbols Renaming.
Deobfuscators may rename original assembly members names to human readable strings. Skater fights against that!
Starting ver8.7 Skater supports .NET Core 2.0 projects where the publish output is a DLL file. When the publish output is an EXE file that calls .NET Core DLL that final DLL has to be obfuscated as well.