Skater dotnet obfuscator .NET CSharp type

   Published: 30 Jul 2024
RustemSoft .NET Obfuscator

* Compatible with all .NET frameworks
* Offers effective protection against reverse-engineering
* Used by RustemSoft for internal security of its .NET executables and assemblies
* Command-line version allows for scheduled updates

Skater .NET Obfuscator

* Protection tool for .NET code intellectual property
* Implements all known software protection techniques
* Ideal for periodic obfuscation of .NET products

Exclusion and Debugging Features

* Exclusion feature allows for specific assemblies to be excluded from obfuscation
* Visual Studio integration module enables debugging of obfuscated applications, even if only parts of the code are obfuscated
* Integration with Microsoft Visual Studio IDE allows for step-by-step debugging without deobfuscation