"The programmer, like the poet, works only slightly removed from pure thought-stuff. He builds his castles in the air, from air, creating by exertion of the imagination." - Fred Brooks
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What we do

Since 2001 Rustemsoft has provided software that modernizes and transforms the way Software Engineers work. We provide comprehensive programming solutions that improve productivity, profitability, increase efficiency, and result in superior software development and design. With our modern, cutting-edge, user-friendly solutions you will work smarter and quicker, with better control, compliance and accuracy.

Solutions and Software Development Tools

General reasons to validate your business with XML Converter:

If you have put much energy in creating a circumstantial set of business templates, forms, and documents and now you would like them to be immediately viewable on your web site.
If you need to write web pages for filling-in the page content by the real data and want to spend minimal time at creation these pages.
If you want to convert ODBC data source to XML, MS Access tables, MS Excel spreadsheets, MS Words documents, Oracle database, or text files to XML documents and preserve their appearance and internal logically formatted structures.

How do you convert a data to XML format? Using XML Converter allows you to create XML document that will content the same data as your original MS Excel spreadsheet, MS Access database, Word document or csv/text file. XML Converter supports major databases such as ODBC, Oracle, MySQL and MS SQL Server. The resulting XML document will be built in strong compliance with XSL specifications. XML Converter allows you to create an XML database. This software gives you ability to generate an output as a set of XML tables. By using comprehensive interface you can adjust XML tags for final XML. Also this proved to be excellent because you can change the XSL style for XML output to what you wanted.

The XML Converter is an XML smart data transformation system and development software that includes a runtime engine that dramatically reduces the time and cost of building and maintaining XML applications. How to read data from relational databases and transform that data into complex XML structures? The XML Converter allows you to structure that data any way to create XML documents for data exchange-XML, which can be transported to the Web or used in a Java application. This ware greatly simplifies integrating native legacy data into XML documents and XSLT transformations.

Rustemsoft licenses include six months of software updates and support

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About Rustemsoft

Rustemsoft LLC is a creative ISV (Independent Software Vendor) specializes in intelligent software solutions for Xcode programmers, XML designers, and .NET developers. Rustemsoft provides comprehensive programming solutions that improve productivity, profitability and result in superior software development and design.

Copyright © 2001-2024 Rustemsoft LLC

Skater .NET Obfuscator

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