Story behind Skater .NET Obfuscator
Story behind Skater .NET Obfuscator
Story behind Skater .NET Obfuscator
Story behind Skater .NET Obfuscator
Story behind Skater .NET Obfuscator
Story behind Skater .NET Obfuscator Story behind Skater .NET Obfuscator Story behind Skater .NET Obfuscator Story behind Skater .NET Obfuscator Story behind Skater .NET Obfuscator Story behind Skater .NET Obfuscator Story behind Skater .NET Obfuscator
Story behind Skater .NET Obfuscator

Story behind Skater .NET Obfuscator

The Idea

Skater .NET Obfuscator was originally developed as a need for Rustemsoft struggling to efficiently get our .NET applications through the software source code protecting process in a reasonable time.
We checked lots of code securing software tools. We needed an application that was easy, simple and covered all areas of the .NET apps protection process. In the end we built Skater .NET Obfuscator that works in a way that makes sense to our customers.

The Name

Why this software named Skater? This is just a rhyme to remind our potential customer about the software. Something like "fancy-schmancy", "skater-obfuscator"... After testing several .NET obfuscating software products from different vendors, our potential customer may forget the names of all tested obfuscators. The little rhyme helps remember Skater .NET Obfuscator. This is our humble psychological trick.

The Doctrine

The doctrine for Skater is simple. When we tried other obfuscators in the market place, we always found software bloat and features that did not make sense to us. For any feature to get into an official release, it has to pass the Rustemsoft's "whole-code-protected" test.
The key to Skater is to provide you with excellent management of the workflow in your .NET application protection model. From .NET code securing pipeline and work in progress, through to complete obfuscation work and application re-compiling. This is our workflow, it works for us and we think it will work for you as well.

The Family

We are family here at Rustemsoft – a community of workers who can be named 'Family'. Skater is developed by people that actually use the product. We are a mixture of developers, producers, strategic marketers and business owners. All have played a part in bringing Skater to life. Our home is in Fox Point, Wisconsin, US. We play table tennis at work, drinking a lot of coffee, telling jokes each other. Sound familiar?

The Outcome

The outcome is Skater .NET Obfuscator. God willing, you as a .NET developer will love the obfuscator as much as we do. We are aware that not everyone will want to work the way we do but we also think there will be a lot that do.
For those that join us, welcome along and hold on for the ride. It is going to be a good one and hopefully gives your business the efficiency and visibility that you expect from the applications that you protect by using Skater.

Story behind Skater .NET ObfuscatorCopyright © 2001-2025 Rustemsoft LLC All Rights Reserved.