"The programmer, like the poet, works only slightly removed from pure thought-stuff. He builds his castles in the air, from air, creating by exertion of the imagination." - Fred Brooks
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We are glad to represent our software products. The trial versions are available for free, so you can fully evaluate it before spending your money. Rustemsoft develops software of several categories:


XML Converter Standard Edition
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XML Converter takes care of frequent XML creation with single, easy method support for exporting data to XML. The output file is a well-formed XML from a standard template, and may come with a standard eXtensible Style Language (XSL) sheet to render the output to HTML page view.

XML Converter with command-line interface
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If you would like to use software with no user interface, allowing you to convert Data Source to XML in batch mode we can offer to you our XML Converter with command-line interface. This software supports most of XML Converter Standard Edition general features.

XML Converter Professional Edition
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XML Converter Professional Edition is a complete solution for the developer who wants the browse facilities provided in the Standard Edition PLUS special modules, which provide command-line interface.

XMLFox Advance XML/XSD Editor
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XMLFox is an intuitive xml and xml schema(XSD) editor, allows the xml developer to create schemas and show a visual representation of what the xml document will look like for that schema.

XMLFox Professional
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XMLFox Professional Edition is the complete solution for the developer who wants the browse facilities provided in the XMLFox Advance PLUS special module, which provide command-line interface. Using the Professional Edition you will be able to call XML conversion process strictly from your own application, with no user interface, allowing you to convert an XML file into another data format in batch mode.

XMLFox freeware XML/XSD Editor

The free XML editor has enables many people to view, format and edit XML/XSD. Users are able to create valid and well formed XSD schema in the XML documents.


Skater .NET Obfuscator for Visual Studio .NET
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Skater scrambles names of classes, methods, variables, and other .NET assembly members. It makes assembly code reverse engineering much harder by obfuscating names.

Skater .NET Obfuscator Freeware Light Edition

You need the Skater .NET Obfuscator if you have a clear understanding of obfuscation benefits and appropriate use cases. Also you need to use Skater if you generally understand that obfuscation prevents source code extraction.

.NET Licenser
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By using Skater .NET Licenser interface you do not need to insert additional instruction/code lines into your .NET application and do not have to make a reference to an external assembly dll to implement licensing features in your .NET executable.

.NET Linker
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When packaging, during the assembly obfuscation, you can combine assemblies using the assembly linker. Skater .NET Linker does the linkage afterwards your main assembly has been obfuscated.

.NET Cryptor
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.NET Cryptor is a needful security tool that protects sensitive information in your .NET source codes. In a few simple steps, .NET Cryptor encrypts your data making it practically impossible for anyone to browse and read your source code files in the event that your .NET project left at non-secure unattended PC or stolen.

Refractor Freeware .NET assembly browser and decompiler

Refractor freeware .NET decompiler is free developer productivity tool designed to enable easy .NET assembly browsing and decompiling. The interface builds on years of experience in code analysis and development productiveness specially created for Skater .NET obfuscator, Rustemsoft's .NET code protection software.

About Rustemsoft

Rustemsoft LLC is a creative ISV (Independent Software Vendor) specializes in intelligent software solutions for .NET developers Web APIs programmers. Rustemsoft provides comprehensive programming solutions that improve productivity, profitability and result in superior software development and design.

Copyright © 2001-2025 Rustemsoft LLC

Skater .NET Obfuscator

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