CSharp Obfuscator protects dotNET application code Private

   Published: 13 Aug 2024
Code Obfuscation for Software Protection


Code obfuscation is a technique used to protect software from unauthorized reverse-engineering.

Functions of Software Protection Techniques:

1. Detection: Identifying attempts to decode or modify the software.
2. Protection: Preventing unauthorized tampering with the software.
3. Fallback: Altering the software's functionality to degrade or stop if the protection fails.

Skater .NET Obfuscator

Protection Mechanisms:

Skater .NET obfuscator protects software through various techniques, including:

- Name Obfuscation: Redacting assembly member names.
- String Encryption: Encrypting string values.
- Command Tricking: Modifying code instructions to hinder recompilation.

Name Obfuscation:

* Private and Public Member Names: Obfuscates names of classes, methods, variables, and other assembly members.
* Public Member Visibility: Allows customization of obfuscation levels for public members.
* Executable Assemblies: Obfuscation of all names, including public members.
* Dll Libraries: Public members are generally excluded from obfuscation to maintain compatibility with external assembly code.