Diagnosis API online tutorial laboratory

   Published: 3 Dec 2024
RESTful API for Medical Diagnosis


* Each API request must include a non-standard HTTP header named `AuthenticationID`.
* For testing purposes, use `AuthenticationID = DEMO_AuthenticationID`.
* To fully utilize diagnostic capabilities, represent patient cases using the structures provided in the unpopulated model. Specifically, provide `TestResults` and `Symptoms` when calling the `/DDxItems` endpoint.

Endpoint Structure

For each medical concept class (e.g., Lab Tests, Symptoms), there are two RESTful read-only endpoints via GET requests:

* One endpoint returns a list of all Lab Test Procedures (`https://diagnosisapi.azurewebsites.net/api/DDxItems/GetTests?AuthenticationID=DEMO_AuthenticationID`).
* The other endpoint returns a list of all possible Symptoms (`https://diagnosisapi.azurewebsites.net/api/DDxItems/GetSymptoms?AuthenticationID=DEMO_AuthenticationID`).

Each concept is represented as a JSON object with the following attributes:

* `id`: Unique concept ID
* `name`: Medical term for the concept
* `description`: Detailed description

Base Health Terms

* Diagnostic information recognizable by the API engine is categorized as Lab Test Procedures and Symptoms.
* Common attributes to both concepts include:
* `id`: Unique concept ID
* `name`: Medical term for the concept
* `description`: Detailed description

Core Components of Diagnosis API

* Knowledge Base: Contains information on diseases, treatments, and diagnoses.
* Diagnostic Engine: Analyzes patient data and medical records to provide potential diagnoses and treatment recommendations.

Integration with Healthcare Workflows

* Diagnosis API can be integrated into hospital workflows via APIs (application programming interfaces).
* APIs allow healthcare organizations to leverage the power of AI-powered diagnostic tools, improving patient care and clinician decision-making.