Diagnosis API tutorial rangelabtest
Published: 21 May 2024
Diagnosis API Overview
* Web-based service that accepts HTTP GET and POST requests.
* Requires user-provided laboratory results and observed symptoms.
* Every request must include the "AuthenticationID" header.
* For demo purposes, use "DEMO_AuthenticationID".
Response Format:
* All responses are in JSON format.
Input Format:
* POST requests accept JSON input.
* Include the "Content-Type: application/json" header.
* The primary endpoint for medical diagnostics is "/api/DDxItems/", which accepts POST requests.
Benefits of Symptom Checkers in Healthcare:
* Assists physicians in resolving diagnostic dilemmas.
* Reduces the risk of delayed or incorrect diagnoses.
* Expedites accurate diagnosis, improving patient outcomes.
* Informs and educates patients about their health conditions.
* Facilitates patient navigation within the healthcare system.
* Decreases unnecessary hospital visits.
* Optimizes emergency department workload.
DDxHub Diagnosis API Benefits:
* Quick setup for pre-diagnostic solutions that enhance care delivery.