Skater .NET obfuscator code protection tool Rustemsoft

   Published: 26 Feb 2024
Threats Faced by Businesses Today

* Hard Work Vulnerabilities: Exposure to malicious actors who exploit vulnerabilities in employees' devices and systems.
* Intellectual Property Theft: Unauthorized access and acquisition of confidential business information.
* Revenue Loss: Economic harm caused by counterfeit products, software piracy, and other illegal activities.

Software Piracy

According to the Business Software Alliance, globally, approximately 40% of software is pirated. This poses a significant threat to software companies, hindering their ability to protect their intellectual property and generate revenue.

Assembly Language Code Obfuscation

Obfuscation is a technique used to protect software code by disguising its structure and components. This makes it more difficult for unauthorized users to reverse-engineer the code or access sensitive information.

Obfuscation Options for Assembly Code

* Aggressive Obfuscation: Obscures all possible names, including public members, making it more challenging to recompile.
* Public Member Protection: Reserves public members from obfuscation, as they are intended to be accessed by external code.
* Obfuscation Level: Allows for customization of the level of obfuscation applied to different members, such as private and public members.

Obfuscation can help protect intellectual property and prevent reverse-engineering by scrambling the names of classes, methods, variables, and other assembly members. By understanding the various obfuscation options and implementing them effectively, businesses can enhance their software protection measures.