 How to download and install XML Converter Professional Edition Evaluation version?
XML Converter Professional Edition is designed for both (x86 and x64) operating system platforms and works under the .NET Framework.
 The XML Converter Professional Edition runs on:
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (SP 6a required)
- Microsoft Windows 2000 (SP2 Recommended)
- Microsoft Windows XP family
- Microsoft Windows Vista family
- Microsoft Windows 7 family
(We are sorry, Windows 95\98\Me and Windows 3.1 systems are not supported)
 Software Requirements:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or later (install Internet Explorer 6.0)
To author with XML Converter, your system should be
equipped with the following:
Pentium 90 MHz (minimum) or faster (recommended)
32 MB RAM (minimum) or more (96 MB or more recommended)
50 MB free disk space (minimum) or more
 Installation of XML Converter Professional Edition includes the following three steps:
1. Install .NET Framework
The XML Converter is written for .NET Framework 2.0.
Before launch XML Converter setup package you need to install on your computer the
.NET Framework 2.0 redistributable package NetFx64.exe. It is available as a stand-alone
executable file. As a result of downloading you will receive a file named NetFx64.exe. Use NetFx64.exe for deployment purposes.
 Download NetFx64.exe
Before download NetFx64.exe please read .NET Framework Redistributable End-User License Agreement
Note that administrator privileges are required to install NetFx64.exe.
If you have previously installed the .NET Framework SDK or Microsoft Visual Studio 2005,
you do not need to install NetFx64.exe.
How to detect .NET framework installed or not?
You need the MS .NET framework to run this application. The .NET framework is a foundation that a wide variety of applications can build on without repeating basic information, and vertical apps can be very small in size. The .NET should not hurt your PC in any way. Here is how to check if you have .Net, and what version:
Go to "Control Panel" of your PC. Then select "Add or Remove Programs" and see if it is listed there. If it is - you have it, if it is not - you need to install it.
If there is the following record presented in the Programs list:
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
you do not need to install .NET Framework. Otherwise you need to download and install .NET Framework.
2. Install Data Access Components
After downloading and installing the NetFx64.exe, which contains .NET Framework redistributable package,
you will need to install mdac_typ.exe. XML Converter relies on a number of database connectivity options that are available for free. These come in Microsoft's MDAC_TYP.EXE. To check if you have it installed or what version you have please download MDAC_TYP.EXE and run it. It will provide you with the information about what version of MDAC is currently installed on your PC if any present. Also you may refer to MS website to find out how to check for MDAC version
 Download mdac_typ.exe
Download this file to any folder on your hard drive. Once downloaded double-click the mdac_typ.exe file to commence installation.
3. Install XML Converter Professional Edition
Finally, after installing mdac_typ.exe, which contains MDAC 2.8 files, you will need to download XML Converter Evaluation version.
 Download XML Converter Professional Edition Evaluation
 Download XML Converter Professional Edition from mirror
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