ExportToPDF .NET assembly licensing

Is the price per developer or per company? Does it include royalty-free distribution? We are developing a commercially available software package. Will we have a problem selling our software using your controls? Any license fees that we are not aware of?

We are distributing the evaluation version of the ExportToPDF .NET assembly within the product license agreement. If you are reading the licensing correctly you need one license for each developer and no licenses for users. Please read the 2nd and 4th paragraphs of the agreement to learn more about that.

However ExportToPDF .NET assembly is available in 'Single User' and 'Multiple Users' editions.
By ordering 'Single User' license you will be able to use the assembly on two PCs only: one single developer’s machine and one end-user’s PC. 'Multiple Users' license gives you ability use the assembly on unlimited number of PCs.

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