 March 27, 2020
New version 6.0 of XMLFox Advance issued today. It converts XML files into JSON format that is useful for iOS/OS X developers. XML conversion capabilities have been enhanced.
 November 12, 2020
 Skater .NET Obfuscator is fully integrated with Visual Studio 2020 and .NET Framework 4.5.1.
 April 2, 2020
New version of Skater .NET Obfuscator (ver6.0) issued today. Along with new features we made rebranding of the Skater look. Customers made a lot of complaints. Skater power-boat is back. No more runners on skates.
 December 17, 2020
 Skater .NET Obfuscator is fully integrated with Visual Studio 2020 and .NET Framework 4.5.
 November 15, 2020
Platform Invocation Services 'pinvokeimpl' instruction's problem has been resolved for Skater .NET Obfuscator. Read more...
 September 29, 2020
 DataGridView Columns .NET assembly works under Visual Studio 2020 now. The assembly has been updated and its functionalities tested in that new Visual Studio. You can download sample VS2017 evaluation projects from: https://rustemsoft.com/DataGridViewColumnsTrial.zip
 July 21, 2020
Today Rustemsoft starts XML Converter's unprecedented action. You have a specific conversion task that could not be easily implemented by standard XML Converter's functions. We will provide our XML Converter registered customers with free Micro executable that will customize XML conversion process. Read details...
 June 16, 2020
RustemSoft is glad to announce the release of Skater .NET Licenser ver5.2 with new features, functionality and bug-fixes. Skater combines the best of all of popular protection algorithms into a single easy to use product. The obscurity in coding is intact while securing your .NET assemblies (libraries and applications).
 March 29, 2020
RustemSoft is proud to present new freeware Refractor .NET assembly (dll/exe) browser and decompiler. It is our guarantee of fast, friendly .NET assembly browsing and disassembling that should be good for your .NET development needs.
 March 16, 2020
New version of freeware Skater .NET Obfuscator Light Edition (ver5.01) has been released today. Skater Light Edition supports .NET framework 4.5 now.
 March 10, 2020
New version 5.0 of XMLFox Advance issued today. It converts XML files into latest versions of MS Office file formats now. XML conversion capabilities have been enhanced.
 February 27, 2020
RustemSoft constantly keeps developing new features, optimization, refining software interface in Skater .NET Obfuscator protection tool. Skater .NET Obfuscator is fully integrated with Visual Studio 11 and .NET Framework 4.5 Developer Previews. It works on Windows 8 beta too.
 February 15, 2020
New version of XML Converter (ver7.0) has been issued today. XML Converter offers External XSD schema mapped multidimensional conversion when you are given with XSD schema file where XML output structure is specified. Also DOCX open office Word format has been set up for XML conversion.
 November 7, 2011
Skater .NET Obfuscator version 5.01 is released today. Rustemsoft Skater .NET obfuscator is equipped with .NET assembly browser and decompiler interface now. This is a great tool for doing an in-depth examination of various types of assemblies and also for disassembling IL code towards a supported .NET languages - C# and/or VB.
 August 19, 2011
New Skater .NET Obfuscator version 4.80 issued today. Skater protects your .NET assembly code against most of known decompilers and modern .NET assembly browsers by applying perfected Control Flow algorithms.
 June 19, 2011
New 4.6 version of Skater .NET obfuscator is issued today. Skater .NET obfuscator easily protects your production WPF XAML code now. It does not extend renaming into your XAML (BAML) resources. So it is not common obfuscation since XAML (baml) content is completely muddled up after protection.
 March 9, 2011
Skater .NET obfuscator provides higher code protection, obfuscation and optimization for your .NET projects. Skater .NET obfuscator utterly supports Silverlight and WPF now.
 November, 2010
Skater .NET obfuscator unites mighty protection techniques such as method call hiding, anti-debug, overload renaming, anti-tampering security, disassembler and decompiler prevention to provide a reliable protection to your .NET code against reverse-engineering.
 June 24, 2010
XML Converter. OLEDB connectivity problem has been resolved for 64-bit operating systems. XML Converter works well on both x86 and x64 platforms now.
 June 13, 2010
 Skater .NET Obfuscator is fully integrated with Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0.
 January 30, 2010
Skater .NET Obfuscator has been successfully passed 64-bit operating systems compatibility tests. It works well on both (x86 and x64) platforms.
 December 23, 2009
New release of Skater .NET Obfuscator (version 4.0) has been issued today. .NET Licenser API assembly added into the software package. The API assembly gives ability to program the licensing features in .NET application source code. By using .NET Licenser API .NET developers are able bound a licensed application with user's hardware and check user PC unique code trough authentication web-service.
 October 2, 2009
Essential web-site redesign. Rustemsoft entire site has a renovated dynamic view now.
 April 6, 2009
New Skater .NET Obfuscator version 3.70 issued today. It includes Renaming XML map-file interface.
 February 28, 2009
RustemSoft is proud to present .NET Cryptor utility. .NET Cryptor encrypts or password-protects .NET project source code files instantly. The utility prevents others from viewing and reusing your .NET source codes. .NET Cryptor uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. It provides cryptographic secure encoding and decoding of .NET source codes.
 November 30, 2008
RustemSoft released PDF Converter - the 'file to PDF' conversion software that accomplishes conversion, formatting, PDF content merging, font settings, text coloring, and other PDF tasks. It generates PDF document from a data source like CSV, Excel, delimited text file, MS Access database, MS Word doc/docx files, and database (ODBC/Oracle/SQL Server) table/view objects.
 November 14, 2008
New version of freeware Skater .NET Obfuscator Light Edition (ver3.60) has been issued today.
 September 15, 2008
.NET Licensing features have been issued within Skater Obfuscator interface. .NET Licenser is Software Authorization tool designed specifically to help secure .NET software programs and to provide license control and user validation services.
 July 15, 2008
New Code Extension feature has been added into Skater .NET Obfuscator interface. The new option is useful for small .NET application protection.
 May 30, 2008
Skater .NET Obfuscator has a feature to encrypt Resources' System.String objects now. This is very useful for .NET developers who save a lot of text information in separate resources and want to hide it from spying eyes.
 April 9, 2008
New release of XML Converter has been issued today. Data source sorting feature added. You can sort the input data in XML Converter GUI and then transform the sorted query result into XML format.
 February 2, 2008
New version of freeware Skater .NET Obfuscator Light Edition (ver2.60) has been released today. Skater Light Edition supports .NET framework 3.5 now.
 January 26, 2008
New Skater .NET Obfuscator version 3.5 issued today. Skater supports .NET framework 3.5 now.
 December 28, 2007
RustemSoft has issued a new product ExportToPDF assembly for MS VS .NET that designed especially to help you develop PDF conversion .NET application with very minimum efforts. ExportToPDF .NET assembly allows generate PDF document from a data source like CSV, Excel, delimited text file, MS Access database, .NET DataTable object.
 September 28, 2007
New release of XMLFox Advance has features to convert XML to PDF and upload XML into MS SQL Server database.
 August 20, 2007
XMLFox Professional version has been released today.
Modules included in XMLFox Professional Edition:
 XMLFox Advance, useful XML and XSD schema editor
 XML conversion executable module XMLFoxCmd that runs within the console window or DOS-batch command file
 July 10, 2007
New 1.3.04 version of the DataGridView Columns .NET assembly has been released today.
Functionalities of some classes have been extended. Also new columns have been added into the assembly.
 June 16, 2007
New version of the Rustemsoft Controls .NET assembly has been released today.
Functionalities of some classes have been extended. Also new controls have been added into the assembly.
 May 5, 2007
New 6.00 version of XML Converter is released today. The latest updates:
1. It has been completely redesigned under .NET
2. New convenient interface features added into XML Converter development environment
 March 19, 2007
New 3.00 version of XMLFox Advance XML/XSD editor is released today. The latest updates:
1. It has been completely redesigned under .NET
2. New convenient interface features added into XMLFox development environment
 March 16, 2007
RustemSoft is proud to present new 2.01 version of Freeware XMLFox XML Editor. It is our guarantee of fast, friendly XML editing and validation that meet your XML programming needs.
 January 15, 2007
RustemSoft presents Freeware Light Edition of well-known Skater .NET Obfuscator, an obfuscation tool for .NET code protection. The Light Edition is the Free version of Skater .NET Obfuscator. You may use Skater .NET Obfuscator Light Edition, free of charge, to protect your .NET applications for both personal and commercial purposes.
 December 18, 2006
New 3.00 version of Skater .NET obfuscator is released today. The latest updates:
1. Linker interface is added in the new version.
2. Feature to store assembly obfuscation settings in a separate xml file per assembly.
 October 9, 2006
New 2.05 version of Skater .NET Obfuscator has been issued today. It scrambles names of classes, methods, variables, and other assembly members. It makes assembly code reverse engineering much harder by obfuscating names.
 April 11, 2006
New version of DataGridViewColumns.dll has been issued today. New DataGridViewPrintPreview class has been designed and added to the assembly. The class gives the ability to print DataGridView content by clicking Print button. Also Save to file button is added onto Preview dialog layout. It allows you to save the print document into bitmap image file.
 March 31, 2006
DataGridView Columns .NET assembly has been updated. It has much convenient programming interface for DataGridViewPrint class now. Title and Footer printed documents settings have been refined. The bug related to DataBinding datasource relations is fixed.
 January 7, 2006
RustemSoft has issued a new product DataGridView Columns assembly for MS VS .NET. Very useful for .NET Windows Forms developers.
 October 4, 2005
XMLFox Advance 2.6 has been granted 100% CLEAN award by Softpedia today.
 August 30, 2005
New version of the DataGrid Columns .NET assembly has been released today.
Functionalities of the following classes:
DataGrid XPButton column Style
DataGrid Memo column Style
have been extended. Also new DataGridPrint class is added into the assembly. It allows you to implement a .NET Windows Forms application with a datagrid print preview and a datagrid print support.
 August 10, 2005
RustemSoft has issued a new product RustemSoft.Controls assembly for VS.NET. Very useful for .NET Windows Forms developers.
 May 23, 2005
RustemSoft has issued a new product XMLFox Advance XML Editor for XML developers. XMLFox Advance is an advanced XMLFox XML/XSD Editor with new attractive features.
In XMLFox Advance you can output data to several other data format files. The Editor allows you export XML tables or whole XML to the following data files: TXT; convert into CSV (Comma Separated Value) file, convert into HTML page, create MS Access database, and create Excel file.
 April 25, 2005
New version of Sonswish - Oracle database browser has been released today. Sonswish allows you export Oracle database tables/views to the following data files:
Text txt file
Convert into CSV (Comma Separated Value) file
Convert into HTML page
Create Microsoft Access mdb database from Oracle data
Create MS Excel xls workbook from Oracle data
 January 24, 2005
RustemSoft represents a database navigation tool DataXplorer of our partner Smart Solutions. Data Xplorer is a database browser, available as a desktop application and can be used as a data navigator for several well-known database types such as Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, dbf, Paradox, DB2, Informix, and others.
 December 10, 2004
RustemSoft has issued a new product Sonswish - Oracle database browser for database navigation, data updating, exploring, table relationships checking or validating Oracle database.
 September 16, 2004
ASP DataGridColumns .NET assembly has been upgraded with 5 new DataGrid Columns classes. These formatted intelligent DateTimeColumn, NumericColumn, TextFractionsColumn controls can mask the date, time, numbers, digits, decimal as well as the text fractions. It gives you ability to manage the IP Address, SS#, Phone numbers, etc., and checks the validation, and automatically set the delimiter location. Also new TextEdit and UpDown Columns have been added into the software package.
 August 14, 2004
RustemSoft has issued a new product ASP DataGrid Columns .NET assembly for customizing your ASP .NET DataGrid server control's Columns. Very useful for ASP.NET developers.
 July 19, 2004
New version of the DataGrid Columns .NET assembly has been released today. The assembly supports the following DataGrid's datasource types:
DataTable, DataSet, DataView, and DataViewManager.
 May 31, 2004
XMLFox freeware xml Editor has been upgraded with a new feature that gives you ability to create an empty XML file. That XML will be based on the XSD schema that you have opened in XMLFox interface currently. XMLFox users count it as one of attractive features of the tool.
 April 20, 2004
DataGridColumns .NET assembly that includes several useful Column styles has the on-line documentation now. Please refer to the
on-line documentation, which accompanies the software package for information on its use.
 February 20, 2004
DataGridColumns .NET assembly has been upgraded with 3 new DataGrid Columns Styles. These formatted intelligent DateTimeColumn, NumericColumn, TextFractionsColumn style controls can mask the date, time, numbers, digits, decimal as well as the text fractions. It gives you ability to manage the IP Address, SS#, Phone numbers, etc., and checks the validation, and automatically set the delimiter location.
 January 21, 2004
Today XMLFox Editor has been accepted in WebAttack catalog listings and get 4 stars rating.
 December 29, 2003
Yesterday DataGridColumns .NET assembly has been accepted in BrotherSoft catalog listings and get a rating 5 out of 5.
 December 24, 2003
Today XML Converter has been awarded the TOP score of 5-star by TopShareware.
 December 16, 2003
RustemSoft is proud to present new freeware XMLFox, our convenient XML/XSD Editor. It is our guarantee of fast, friendly XML editing and validation that meet your XML programming needs.
 November 14, 2003
The new control DateTimePicker ColumnStyle has been added into DataGridColumns .NET assembly
 September 29, 2003
Special Micros interface has been added to XML Converter version 3.62.. The interface gives you ability to customize your final XML output.
 August 20, 2003
DataGridColumns .NET assembly has been upgraded. Several bugs are fixed.
 August 18, 2003
XML updating features. New 3.60 version of XML Converter has been issued today.
It presents XML output in three interface pages: XML Tree, XML Grid and XML Script.
It gives you ability to browse and edit final XML content in any of these three windows.
 July 14, 2003
Supporting MySQL database Today Rustemsoft releases XML Converter version 3.50.
New data transformation features make data browsing easier and faster for you:
Read data directly from MySQL databases.
Convert MySQL tables to XML format
Create and update MySQL views. Actually MySQL database has no any view objects. But. By using XML Converter you can create a view for your MySQL database, update and store it.
Transform the views to XML format. You can browse view result in data grid and convert to XML document.
 July 10, 2003
RustemSoft has issued a new product DataGridColumns assembly for VS.NET. Very useful for .NET developers.
 June 10, 2003
Our XML Converter supports any delimited data source file (tab-delimited text file, *.csv etc) now.
Symbol-delimiter is adjustable in a special textbox. You can specify not only one symbol for your source delimitation. Delimiter can be a combination of some chars.
 May 22, 2003
XML Transformation Template Scenario Rustemsoft presents XML Converter version 3.43 with the new feature. It gives you ability to generate an especially structured XML file from your Excel source (or from other data storage). It is helpful when you need to create an XML with your particular multi-level tagged tree structure from your specially formatted data source.
 April 14, 2003
Supporting MS SQL Server Today Rustemsoft releases XML Converter version 3.30, which supports conversion from MS SQL Server.
 March 10, 2003
Supporting Oracle database Today Rustemsoft releases XML Converter version 3.21.
New conversion, editing and intelligent navigation features make data browsing easier and faster for you:
Read data directly from Oracle databases.
Update data directly to Oracle databases. Change data field's values, delete and add records to Oracle tables.
Transform Oracle tables to XML format
Create and update Oracle views. By using XML Converter you can create a view in your Oracle database, update and store it.
Transform Oracle views to XML format. You can browse view result in data grid and convert to XML document.
Quickly sort records in a data grid by just clicking on the column header.
 February 24, 2003
Oracle to XML conversion. Started from XML Converter version 3.15. You can freely transform Oracle database table content to XML format with our robust transformation engine now.
 January 13, 2003
A new look and improved interface.
We are pleased to present you our new Rustemsoft site. We created new face of our site. Do you like the new face of our site? We think more and more XML software developers will know about this site.
 January 03, 2003
Today Rustemsoft releases XML Converter version 3.00. This new issue can support non-Latin characters in XML by accepting the UTF-8 and UTF-16 encodings. People around the world can easily use it now, not only English speaking men. Also XML Converter final file editing features look much better.
You can find detailed information about the program at XML Converter Standard Edition page.
 December 27, 2002
We have launched the pilot version of our new site. All comments and bug reports are very welcome!
 December 23, 2002
Fundamental site redesign. Now the entire site is dynamic. That allows us to manage the content of our site more effectively so we can spend more time actually developing our products.
 November 11, 2002
We have started our affiliates program. You can become our reseller now. Read more about RustemSoft affiliates program.
 October 01, 2002
XML Converter is the comprehensive and integrated user-friendly interface under continuing supporting by Rustemsoft. This tool provides important capabilities to resolve your XML-related conversion needs. Since October 1, 2002 it is a Shareware. It has become much friendly. You can create, format, map, view, and edit your XML output. It is fully functional now.
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