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How satisfied are you with Rustemsoft as a whole?

Extremely satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
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Extremely dissatisfied

Based on your experience with Rustemsoft, how likely are you to recommend Rustemsoft products to a colleague or a friend?

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Somewhat Will Recommend
Maybe Will Recommend
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Strongly Will Not Recommend

How likely are you or your company to upgrade your Rustemsoft licenses?

Extremely Will Upgrade
Somewhat Will Upgrade
Maybe Will Upgrade
Somewhat Will Not Upgrade
Extremely Will Not Upgrade

Compared to other software vendors you've worked with, how would you rate the overall quality of Rustemsoft products?

Much better
Somewhat better
About the same
Somewhat worse
Much worse

If you had to choose a software vendor now, how likely is it that you'd choose Rustemsoft again?

Extremely likely
Somewhat likely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Extremely unlikely

To what extent do you agree with the statement:
"Rustemsoft is easy to do business with"?

Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree

About Rustemsoft

Rustemsoft LLC is a creative ISV (Independent Software Vendor) specializes in intelligent software solutions for Xcode programmers, XML designers, and .NET developers. Rustemsoft provides comprehensive programming solutions that improve productivity, profitability and result in superior software development and design.

Copyright © 2001-2025 Rustemsoft LLC

Skater .NET Obfuscator

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